Software Update: PeaZip 8.8.0 – Computer – Downloads

After the discussion in the peazip-850 ad on tweakers:
@they said

Why do you want Peazip on Linux?

Because it is protectable and GPL? Because it has multiple features?


Under linux I’ve been using gzip for encapsulation for 30 years and still use gzip, usually with tar.

You can archive with .tar and possibly .tar extension. pressures you. You can then deflate the package while vacuuming. Browsers compress headers with gzip anyway (thanks to Apache). Due to the influence of operating systems, browsers, and app stores, most data is encrypted anyway. Then you have the entire industry, with the professional part having a lot of encrypted traffic between ISPs, including the POSIX standard and also the FIPS program.

In a PowerShell window, try the ‘ls’ command, the Unix/Linux analogue of the ‘dir’ DOS command.

Yes, and this experience really gets better when you start using Rust tools. In GNU/Linux you don’t even need Powershell.
I’m still using workflows from the first shell menu, when I ran custom versions of DOS 3.11/4.01/6.22 on an EGA screen, if needed. From a single 3.5-inch 1.44MB floppy disk, it can invoke all kinds of commands with additional parameters, for example using the commands ‘dir’, formatting via /p and / or /w (resp. sPage View aka Pause or Scroll & WView IDE, for a 3-column layout). Additional tools such as a tree make the experience very interesting and clickable.

And the @Stromboli from peazip-790.

256 bit AES with KDF is the best!

Definitely a good choice, but the handling of folders and files can always be improved.

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From: https://social.msdn.micro…th-pbkdf2? forum = wpdevelop

In Windows Phone 8, the System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes class only seems to support a key size of 32 because whenever I try to use the Rfc2898DeriveBytes GetBytes method with a value of 256, it crashes with “The specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm’s error message.

System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged returns the next key and block size

aes.KeySize = aes.LegalKeySizes[0].max volume; // returns 256
aes.BlockSize = aes.LegalBlockSizes[0].max volume; // return 128

Without key size 256 and IV size 128, I can’t build compatibility between my Windows 8 app and Windows phone app.

Has anyone implemented PBKDF2-based AES for symmetric encryption in Windows Phone 8 with a 256-bit key? If yes, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Is there any other class in WP8 other than System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes that returns a 256-bit key for PBKDF2?

A 32-bit key is weak and can be cracked.

Second URL: https://social.msdn.micro…th-pbkdf2? forum = wpdevelop

@MicGlou from peazip-860

Microsoft has taken the legacy ZIP encryption specification for implementation in Windows. Windows 10 contains tar.exe, a copy of the original GNU/Linux Tape Archiver, which uses a back-end compressor like zip or gzip.

ZIP programs like PeaZip also use AES-based encryption.

If you only use a browser, you can also check nanaozip / NanaZip:
A lightweight 7zip fork, with support for fewer formats and replacement of shell integration with a fill-in wizard.

Peazip offers more, like smart extraction (to check if files in an archive are in a folder), password manager, secure deletion, hex preview and more. Also useful is the possibility to invoke external programs, such as ZPAQ.

[Reactie gewijzigd door Bulkzooi op 20 augustus 2022 15:56]

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