Musical singer and actress Pia Dose will receive this year’s Oeuvre Music Award at the Music Awards on April 28. The organization announced this on the TV show Jenk† The jury calls Dawes “the greatest music star in the Netherlands”.
Dawes is celebrating its 35th anniversary at the theater this year. She played her first role in a musical in Holland the cats† Abroad First appeared in Vienna little horror shop† Since then, the actress has played in more than fifty productions at home and abroad.
Dose appeared in Elizabeth† Billy Elliot† Les Miserables† Sunset Street† nightclub And Chicago† Appeared on stage in Holland, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, United States and Russia.
Meryl Streep
Next season, Dawes will play in the Dutch version of the Broadway hit prom† It’s the frustrated Dee Dee Allen, who hopes to land one major role in the twilights of her career. In the Netflix movie, she played Dose Meryl Streep.
The Oeuvre Musical Award has previously been presented to Andrew Lloyd Webber, Job van den Ende, Jos Brink, Willem Negault, Harry Bannick and Annie MJ Schmidt, among others. The award is not awarded every year.
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