The risk of famine in Gaza is high, and the situation is catastrophic

The risk of famine in Gaza is high, and the situation is catastrophic
A girl suffering from malnutrition in the Gaza Strip in Deir Al-Balah Hospital

Noos News

Famine risk remains high across the Gaza Strip, UN food watchdog writes in new report a report Who is looking forward to the next three months. The organization describes the situation in Gaza as catastrophic.

IPC is used Five categories of food insecurity. About 96 percent of the population belongs to one of the top three categories. Nearly a quarter of the population, about half a million people, suffer from the most severe and catastrophic levels of food insecurity.

The committee had predicted in its previous report in March that there would be famine in the region at this time, but current data do not indicate that this is the case. The organization says a number of things have changed since then. For example, more aid supplies were allowed into northern Gaza in April and May.

“There is no room for complacency”

But due to ongoing fighting and limited access by relief organizations, the risk of famine remains high, the IPC says. “The potential improvement should leave no room for complacency about the reduced risk of famine.” Since adequate food has not been available for several months, the risk remains as high as it has been in recent months.

The center wrote that whether or not the “famine” label was given “does not change the fact that there is undoubtedly severe human suffering in the Gaza Strip at this time.” “The immediate humanitarian need is to address this civilian suffering through full, safe, unimpeded and sustainable humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip.”

Israel facilitated only 23 of 44 planned humanitarian aid missions in early June, the IPC cited the UN Relief and Works Agency as saying. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. In a number of cases, access was denied or prevented due to fighting or hours of delay by the Israeli army at border crossings.

A decrease in the delivery of aid to the south

In southern Gaza, the supply of goods has decreased significantly since the Israeli army occupied the Rafah border crossing and entered the city last month. Moreover, the number of trucks carrying aid is still much lower than before the outbreak of war. Before October, more than 500 trucks entered the enclave daily.

The following is the number of trucks loaded with aid entering Gaza:

Although the official famine threshold has not currently been crossed, it could occur at any time, the IPC says. The availability and accessibility of food and basic services vary widely, leaving the population extremely vulnerable.

Children in particular are at high risk. World Health Organization figures show that at least 32 children have died in recent months from malnutrition. Thousands of children suffer from malnutrition and need urgent medical and nutritional assistance.

Below, see photos recently taken by a local journalist for NOS in a Gaza hospital:

Hunger in Gaza: For these children there is a shortage of everything

The IPC report came later than expected. The UN agency says access to the area is severely limited, which has seriously hampered the investigation.

Israel refuses to allow researchers into Gaza, and the chaos makes it increasingly difficult for aid workers to gain and maintain insight into the humanitarian situation.

The International Court of Justice ruled in an interim ruling at the end of last month that Israel must do everything in its power to protect the civilian population in Gaza and allow humanitarian aid to enter.

Israel should also ask judges to allow independent experts into Rafah to conduct research, so that potential evidence is not lost. The International Court of Justice cannot implement the ruling.

“Urgent urgency required”

Aid organization Save the Children agrees with the picture painted by the IPC report. “In the past five weeks, forty children suffering from acute malnutrition have been transferred to just one clinic,” said Rachel Cummings, team leader from Gaza. “This weekend a 38-year-old mother came in who weighed only 37 kilograms.”

Cummings stresses that urgency is required. “For children with severe malnutrition, it takes days before they die. Especially if they also suffer from diarrhoea, jaundice or the common cold.”

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