Spanish Supreme Court rejects terrorism charges against Puigdemont

Carles Puigdemont

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Spain’s Supreme Court has dropped terrorism charges against Catalan separatist leader Puigdemont due to a judicial error. The decision is good news for Puigdemont, but it is unclear whether a pardon is a step closer for him.

Spanish prosecutors have filed a terrorism complaint against Puigdemont for his alleged role in violent protests in Catalonia in 2019. The riots erupted after several separatist leaders were sentenced to years in prison for their failed bid to secede from Spain in 2017.

The demonstrations were organised by the shadowy Democratic Tsunami platform. The investigating judge accused Puigdemont and other separatist leaders of being behind the platform.

hope for forgiveness

Last week, the Supreme Court rejected Puigdemont’s request for clemency, which was submitted by Prime Minister Sanchez’s government.

Catalan independence parties, including Puigdemont’s, are offering support to Sánchez’s left-wing government in exchange for an amnesty plan. Right-wing parties are having a hard time dealing with the law.

Puigdemont announced that he would appeal the court’s decision not to make him eligible for the amnesty law. In a message He called the decision “ridiculous” and “irrational.” Several other separatists have already been granted amnesty.

Puigdemont ran in Catalonia’s parliamentary elections in May, despite the ongoing arrest warrant. He hopes to return to Catalonia permanently and wants to become prime minister again.

embezzlement of public funds

The court’s decision to drop the charges is a boost to his path to pardon, but the ousted prime minister remains accused of embezzling public funds, money the Catalan government used to fund Puigdemont’s illegal independence referendum in 2017.

In the referendum, separatists led by Puigdemont voted en masse to secede from Spain. Catalonia then declared independence, but the national government in Madrid took power in the region and threatened to severely punish the leaders of the independence movement.

Puigdemont then fled to Belgium, where he became a member of the European Parliament. Earlier this year he moved to the south of France.

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