Parisians Furious That Olympics Are Making Getting Around the City Difficult – Politico

Parisians Furious That Olympics Are Making Getting Around the City Difficult – Politico

“Moving around the city centre has become impossible,” said a man named Rudolph from his electric bike, dodging pedestrians on the sidewalk along the famous Rue de Rivoli, past barriers blocking the empty bike path.

Antoine, another cyclist who appeared extremely upset, said he had lost the ability to express himself after failing to convince police officers to let him through a checkpoint. He added that the QR code he was carrying was not the correct one to cross the Seine.

About 30,000 police and gendarmerie officers will be deployed in the city. | Maja Hettig/Getty Images

Stores and restaurants say the Olympics and controversial metal barriers are also costing them money.

“Paris is empty,” said the director of a bookstore near the royal palace.

UMIH, an organization representing hotels and restaurants, said restaurants and cafes in the restricted areas were losing up to 60 percent of their sales. French authorities have promised to compensate for some of those losses. But requests for compensation will only be examined later by a dedicated committee.

Abdel Kabir, a taxi driver standing a few metres from the grey zone, said he had lost more than half his usual income. “It’s unbearable, we feel like prisoners,” he said, adding that he regularly has to turn down taxi rides from tourists in the restricted area. “Everything is very badly organised,” he said, speaking through the window of his black taxi.

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