Iran threatens the “full participation” of its allies if Israel attacks Hezbollah

Iran threatens the "full participation" of its allies if Israel attacks Hezbollah

Iran threatens the “full participation” of its allies if Israel attacks Hezbollah

Iran warned Israel on Saturday of a “war of annihilation” if Tehran carries out a “large-scale” attack on the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, an ally of Tehran.

This is what the Iranian mission to the United Nations stated on the tenth of this month.

According to Iran, it is a “psychological war” waged by the “Zionist entity,” but if the matter reaches a military confrontation, the “axis of resistance” – referring to Iran and its regional allies – will participate fully. The mission said: “All options are on the table.”

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah have increased since the start of the Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip. At least 37,800 Palestinians have been killed since October last year, including children and women. Since then, almost daily skirmishes have occurred along Lebanon’s southern border.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said on Wednesday that Israel “does not want war” in Lebanon, but could send the country back to the “Stone Age” if war breaks out.

The United States, the United Nations and France called for restraint and warned of the risk of escalation in Lebanon.

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