French submarine purchases are at risk of collapse

French submarine purchases are at risk of collapse

The purchase of four French submarines for the Royal Navy is at risk of failure. Due to the rivalry between France and America, it was uncertain whether the French construction could meet all the requirements. “The Americans are not keen on sharing their secret technology,” said Sylvan Schoonhoven, a defense journalist at De Telegraaf.

A French submarine named the Blacksword Barracuda was awarded the Royal Navy’s top choice in March. “A great boat for a great price,” they said. But problems are piling up. This is mainly due to American cruise missile technology, says Schoonhoven on NPO 1 Goedemorgen Nederland.

A cruise missile is inevitable

A cruise missile is an important part of a submarine as the projectiles can hit targets from greater distances in combat situations. “You launch a cruise missile from a missile tube on a submarine,” says Schoonhoven. The missile has a range of up to 1,600 km. “You can hit a target very accurately.”

Royal Navy selects advanced Tomahawk cruise missile “Great system,” says Schoonhoven. But that system is also a huge problem. “The system is American, but the submarine is French. The Americans were not eager to share their secret technology with the French.

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Although France and the US are NATO partners, the Americans see France as a rival. “From sources close to the process this is a … Don’t go There is.”

Why don’t we choose French cruise missiles? “That missile was too expensive and did not meet the requirements in terms of range and strike power. The Netherlands wanted the A-brand Tomahawk.

Dutch confirmation

Given that the project has been going on for so long, more than ten years, it is surprising that these problems were not anticipated. “According to the Dutch cabinet, the US did not raise any objections during this period. However, there was no indication of a green light,” says Schoonhoven.

He says that this Dutch stance on tomahawk fishing has irritated the United States. “The final decision has not yet been made and the signals are not yet red, but they are dark orange. If it doesn’t go through, one of the submarine’s most important weapons will be lost.

More objections

Additionally, there are more objections to the submarine. “Issues have started piling up and the cabinet is also discussing it. You have to wonder if we should continue with the French or go with one of the other two providers. These are Saab and Damen, a German shipyard and Swedish-Dutch manufacturing company focused on the marine sector.

Schoonhoven finds it difficult to understand why the Netherlands did not choose Saab and Damon to keep production partially in-house. “Let everything flow to France. The French have promised that Dutch companies will help build the boat, but what will happen in practice?

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‘It won’t go that fast’

NSC MP Nicolien van Vroonhoven, a guest on Goedemorgen Nederland, says the situation is not as dire as it is being portrayed. “There is communication with the Ministry of Defence. They are yet to realize the seriousness of this problem. They say: Things can’t go fast enough. But we must be more than that.

Van Vroonhoven says there will be a technical explanation in the House of Representatives on Thursday and a memorandum consultation on the issue on Monday.

read more:

SGB ​​chief Stoffer says cabinet ‘crazy’ to allow French to build submarines: ‘Something between Rutte and Macron’

By: Rick Hartkamp

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