Caroline from Daar Gaan Ze Weer is putting her recently purchased villa in Loosdrecht up for sale again RTL Street

Caroline uit Daar Gaan Ze Weer zet pas gekochte villa in Loosdrecht alweer te koop

In the penultimate episode of the famous program “There’s a Jean-Ze Wear” we saw how happiness finally smiled at Caroline. After failed attempts in Austria and Italy, she bought a house in Losdrecht. Her dream of opening another guesthouse could come true. At least, that’s how it seemed. Her mansion is already for sale in Fonda. She told RTL Boulevard what happened.

“I checked everything with the municipality.”

Caroline interjected There they go again Managing a guest house is a dream you don’t want to give up. Due to a skiing accident in the past, it was not possible for her to resume her old job as a flight attendant. She has suffered a traumatic brain injury and cannot tolerate a lot of stimuli. That’s why it wants to focus on guesthouses, like it did in Austria during the pandemic. This ended because of the epidemic itself. After that, she tried to pursue her desire in Italy, but was unable to find a home there.

Now she focused her attention on her beautiful cottage in Losdrecht. Her offer was accepted and Caroline seemed able to start making her dream come true.

Unfortunately, the joy was short-lived. The house in Loosdrecht is now for sale in Funda. “I checked everything with the municipality regarding starting a B&B in the house, but then it turned out that I did not have permission from the owners association,” Caroline told RTL Boulevard. So a big downer.

The guest house has already been furnished in the meantime. So Caroline decided to sell the house and look for a place where permits could be arranged. Starting a bed and breakfast is still her big dream, and she says she feels like there is a curse hanging over her search for a suitable place. Austria is now on her mind again, but she is also not ruling out a new place in the Netherlands.

Caroline had previously faced the choice of searching for a home in Italy or the Netherlands, so she chose – unfortunately to no avail – Italy:

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