Authorities are finding guns and vanilla related to the attack on the president

A helicopter carrying Colombian President Ivan Duke on June 25, 2021 near the Colombian city of Sekta shows the impact of a missile. Editors via Presidency de Colombia / REUTERS ATTENTION – This image was provided by a third party. No records

Inquiries about what happened FAC 007 Helicopter The head of the Special Committee of the National Police and the CDI of the Attorney General’s Office presented the results at midnight on June 26.

In fact, the Director of National Police, General George Louis Vargas, That revealed La Conquista neighborhood, investigators found from the scene of the shooting on the president’s plane Two guns (one AK-47 and 7-62 with Venezuelan Armed Forces insignia), five suppliers and 20 vanillas.

“These events occurred 1.2 kilometers from the headline of the Kokata Airport runway,” he said after the revelation.The firearms are AK-47s, which are being searched by experts from the National Police and the Prosecutor’s Office with a registered number, and a 7-62 caliber FAL rifle with the Venezuelan Armed Forces’ identification.”.

The propeller of a helicopter carrying Colombian President Evan Duke has been identified as having been hit by a missile after being attacked during a flight on June 25, 2021 near the city of Coca-Cola, Colombia.  Through Presidency de Colombia / REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - This image was provided by a third party.  No records
The propeller of a helicopter carrying Colombian President Evan Duke has been identified as having been hit by a missile after being attacked during a flight on June 25, 2021 near the city of Coca-Cola, Colombia. Through Presidency de Colombia / REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS – This image was provided by a third party. No records

“In Of the 20 Fergus vanillas found at the scene, 14 were primarily FAL rifles, 6 of which were AK47 rifles. According to initial experts from the police and the Attorney General’s Office, General Vargas explained.

Millionaire reward for finding the person in charge

A reward of up to 3 billion to the person who provides the information that will allow them to find the perpetrators of this terrorist attack”, Minister Molano, after the Security Council with the Minister of the Interior, Daniel Palacios; Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Luis Fernando Navarro; Commander-in-Chief of the FAC, General Ramses Ruda; And the Director General of Police George Louis Vargas Placeholder Image.

We call on the whole country to take a firm stand against terrorism, and only uniting the Colombian nation with its general forces will allow it to defeat terrorism.”, Promised Minister Molano.

For his part, General Luis Fernando Navarro, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, protects the President of the Republic, in which all the Armed Forces and Police participate. High priority to national security and security.

Reference photo (Colprenza - Camila Thias).
Reference photo (Colprenza – Camila Thias).

The helicopter in which President Ivan Duke traveled; Minister of Defense, Diego Molano; Minister of the Interior, Daniel Palacios; Governor of Norde de Santander, Silverio Serrano; And the Mayor of Kokota, Zero Yes, among other dignitaries, Six winsThe FAC’s Commander-in-Chief, Ramses Ruda, was briefed.

“Despite the crew being made up of pilots with excellent operational experience in combat, They brought the plane safely to the ground in a matter of seconds”, Highlighted the Commander-in-Chief of the FAC.

Colombian President Evan Duke makes a statement after the attack on the helicopter he was traveling in, according to officials, in Cucuta, Colombia, June 25, 2021. Focusing via Colombian President / Guide REUTERS - This image is provided by a third.  No results.  No archives
Colombian President Evan Duke makes a statement after the attack on the helicopter he was traveling in, according to officials, in Cucuta, Colombia, June 25, 2021. Focusing via Colombian President / Guide REUTERS – This image is provided by a third. No results. No archives

“We are not going to give up our efforts with our General Forces until we have captured the victims and those who tried to harm Colombia’s companies. Fear is felt by those criminal and terrorist authorities,” he concluded. Minister of Defense, Diego Molano.

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