The Pope once again uses a derogatory term about gay people in the Vatican

the pope

Noos News

Pope Francis once again made private, insulting remarks about homosexuals in the Vatican, Italian news agency ANSA reported.

According to the news agency, the Pope once again used the word “frociaggine”, which means “a homosexual gang.” He said in today’s meeting with the priests: “There is an atmosphere of absurdity in the Vatican.” He then said that it would be better not to accept young people with “homosexual tendencies” into priestly training.

At the end of last month, it emerged that the Pope used the same charged term during a private meeting with a number of Italian bishops. The meeting discussed the issue of whether celibate gay men should be accepted into priestly training.

The Pope answered categorically in the negative, because, he said, there was already too much in priestly training.Frusyagin. It took a week for the ruling to be leaked via a gossip website. The response was shocking, because Francis is known for his relatively tolerant attitude toward the LGBT community.

The Vatican did not confirm in its response that Francis actually used the word. A spokesman for the Pope said at the time: “The Pope apologizes to anyone who feels offended.” The spokesman said he never intended to offend anyone or use homophobic terms.

People also defended the Pope by saying that he misjudged the meaning of the word, because he is Argentine and therefore speaks Spanish.

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