This way you can easily group your favorite contacts in WhatsApp.

Vrouw opent WhatsApp. Met deze nieuwe functie van WhatsApp kunt u contacten eenvoudig groeperen.

The messaging service WhatsApp has a new feature that allows you to easily group your contacts. For example, you can make sure that all your colleagues or all your friends and family are together. We explain how to use this function.

Popular with young and old

Many people can no longer live without WhatsApp. The messaging service seems to be used by young and old alike. CBS numbersSome people receive multiple text messages from different people every day. In this case, you may lose the overview. Especially if you are also in WhatsApp groups where a whole stream of messages often appears. It has long been possible to pin specific contacts or groups, but this also runs the risk of quickly becoming confusing. Do you still want to pin one or more chats? On an Android phone, this can be done by long-pressing on the chat and pressing the pin at the top. On an Apple phone, you have to do it from left to right criticize On the contact you want to pin. You can then also tap the pin that appears on the screen.

Read also: What can you do with the latest WhatsApp features?

How does the new feature work?

Just a note in advance, the function can in principle be used on any phone that has WhatsApp. Don’t see it on your smartphone? Then check if you can update WhatsApp. If not, you will probably have to wait a while before you can also use the function on your phone.

The WhatsApp function can be quickly found when you open the chat service. If all goes well, you will still see 4 headings at the top of your main conversation. From left to right you will see “All,” “Unread,” “Favorites,” and “Groups.” There you can, for example, tap “Unread” so that only unopened messages appear on your screen.

For now, we’ll focus on the new feature, “Favorites.” If you haven’t used it before, it will say “Add to Favorites” when you tap it. You can tap that to select Favorites for the list. Then select the contacts you want to mark as Favorites, and these can also be groups. This way you can make it more clear to yourself. You might also want to see contacts who aren’t in your Favorites. Then you can tap the “All” heading again at the top. If you mark someone as a Favorite, they won’t be notified. So don’t worry about surprising anyone. Others might be surprised if you don’t follow WhatsApp etiquette. In a previous article, we explained the unwritten rules that apply.

(Image: Bright, WhatsApp, CBS. Photo: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock)

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