The man who was seriously ill, Wittyke van Dort, has died.

man Wieteke van Dort

Who is Vitek van Dort?

Last weekend, Modi suddenly developed intestinal problems, for which he no longer wanted treatment.

“My father said goodbye to my mother in a very peaceful and beautiful way. He was at peace with his death, and although she found it very difficult, Wieteke now feels it too. Last weekend, my father suddenly developed intestinal problems, and the doctors wanted to treat him in hospital. But he decided against it. He made the decision to die himself,” said son Alexander.

There is no cure.

After his decision, he had a conversation with his three children: Alexander, Larissa and Bas. “It wasn’t easy to let him go, but we understood his decision not to seek further treatment. It was okay that way. My father was awake. His death must have been a liberation for him, because he lived in fear that one day my mother would precede him.

Her management announced in May of this year that Van Dort had metastatic cancer. Moody has stated several times that he does not want to live without her.

“He fell asleep very peacefully around 7am on Monday morning. My mom, my sister, my brother and I were there. No matter how sad we are now, we still have a beautiful feeling that everything went smoothly and that we were able to tell each other everything.

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