Restoring the temporary floating dock to provide food aid to Gaza

The floating dock near the Gaza Strip during construction work in April

Noos News

The floating dock built by the US military for the Gaza Strip from which relief supplies could be landed has been repaired. Army Reports The repair was completed this afternoon.

The floating dock is the only way to deliver relief supplies to the Gaza Strip with relative ease by sea. The pier was put into use in mid-May. But the long section connecting the pier to the mainland was washed away by rough sea waters on May 25.

Food distribution problems

Even when the pier was in use, there were problems with food distribution: some trucks traveling from the pier to the Gaza Strip were looted before they could reach their final destination. But this decline appears to be starting to improve and the flow of relief supplies is slowly starting to improve.

There are few ways to deliver relief supplies to the Gaza Strip depending on the country, other than by sidewalk. This is only possible through the border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip in Rafah and through the Kerem Shalom border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Israel.

But this is practically impossible in Rafah because Israel keeps the border closed and blocks many aid supplies. Israel also allows small aid supplies through the Kerem Shalom crossing. Recently, food has also begun arriving in the northern Gaza Strip via the Erez border crossing, but according to relief organizations, this amount is also far too short to effectively help the suffering population.

According to the United Nations, about 500 aid trucks entered the Gaza Strip daily before the war, but now there are only a few dozen of them.


The United Nations reports this 31 percent Of Palestinian children under two years old in the northern Gaza Strip suffer from malnutrition. In Rafah, this percentage may reach 10 percent of all children. The relief organization Oxfam reported this week that Israel is deliberately withholding humanitarian aid, bringing famine closer to the entire Gaza Strip. The International Court of Justice said in its ruling on March 28 that there is already famine in the northern Gaza Strip.

The US military expects humanitarian supplies to be moved through the pier again within a few days. The goal is for 450,000 pounds of food and other necessities to enter the area every two days through the dock.

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