Organizer reports police after festival disaster in India

The tent where the event was held has now been demolished.

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The organizer of a religious event in India where 121 people died this week has reported himself to police, his lawyer said. Police have launched a manhunt for the man.

Police have offered a reward of 100,000 rupees (1,100 euros) for information leading to the man’s arrest. The organizer is accused, among other things, of manslaughter.

The meeting, at which the religious leader Bholi Baba spoke, had a capacity of 80,000 people. But the event attracted 250,000 visitors, who crowded into a hot, humid tent with only one exit. Then things got worse as thousands of people tried to leave the tent at the same time to touch Baba. Many slipped on the wet ground and were trampled.

Previous arrests

The organizer denies any wrongdoing behind the scenes. He also had to be treated in hospital.

Six people had previously been arrested in connection with the disaster, including four men and two women who had been involved in organising the event.

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