Mark Gillies has a long way to go: ‘He has to learn to walk, talk and eat again’ | RTL Street


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The Gillies family announced Tuesday that Mark Gillies, 28, had come out of a coma and was able to breathe independently again. Despite the good news, the family now says Mark remains in intensive care.

“The whole process, which we believe will take some time,”

The family said in a statement that the past few days “have unfortunately not been easy for Mark and his family.” “Mark is very confused and anxious at times. The illness and the induced coma have taken a toll on his mental health.

The family feels helpless because they can’t do anything about Mark’s complaints and they hope that this problem will go away soon. “Fortunately, the doctors and nurses are doing everything they can for Mark 24 hours a day. In the meantime, everything is focused on him.

Although Mark has woken up from his coma, he will have to relearn a lot. For example, he will have to learn to speak again “which takes a lot of effort and energy,” build up his muscle strength, learn to feed himself again, and even learn to walk. “It’s a long process, and we think it will take some time. We are trying to support him every step of the way and are grateful for all the understanding and support we are receiving from everyone.”

Earlier this month, it was announced that Mark had been urgently hospitalized with a serious lung infection. He ended up in intensive care in a very critical condition and was placed in an induced coma to give his body a chance to rest and recover.

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