Google will fix Zeroday in Chrome for the sixth time in 2024 – Computer – News

Google has released a stable version of Chrome 125. This release fixed a bug that Google says is a known public exploit. Details about this potential exploit are not available. It’s now the browser’s sixth Zero Day this year.

Google He writes They have released Chrome 125.0.6422.60 and 125.0.6422.60/.61 for Linux, Windows, and macOS. Being in a release Multiple bug fixesBut there too Nine vulnerabilities have been fixed. Four of them were submitted by external researchers through Google’s Responsible Disclosure Program. Among these bugs is one that Google says is a public exploit. that it CVE-2024-4947that Kind of confusion In the browser’s JavaScript V8 engine.

According to Google, it is possible for attackers to execute remote code in a sandbox environment if the victim clicks on a separate phishing page. This bug is viewed as a high risk, in part because Google has announced that the vulnerability is publicly available. However, there are no details available about this; Google does not specify what type of exploit it is and does not say whether the bug is being actively exploited or not.

This is the third time in just a few weeks that Chrome’s zero day has been fixed. Earlier there was also an error, CVE-2024-4761To be in a V8 engine. This was a security vulnerability in writing out of bounds. This is the sixth day that Google has had to fix the browser this year.

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