G.Skill GA800 Cooler Has a Front Screen for Glass Front Panel Cases – Computer – News

It’s not only huge, but very loud. 50dB is roughly the volume at which the conversation takes place, for a system I would build myself I would aim for a value around/under 15dB.

What I often miss in cooler reviews is the apples to apples comparison.
What is essential in coolers is the use of standard fans or directing them to produce a certain noise, relative to the delta T compared to the environment.
This is the purest essence of the performance of such a cooler.

Example of coolant A and B. Coolant A achieves a delta t of 25 degrees, and Coolant B achieves 35 degrees.
Cooler A produces only 43 dB, and cooler B 18 dB. Now do you know which one is better?
Then you adjust the fans, but cooler A can’t be quieter than 23 dB (delta T 32 degrees). Cooler B operates with a second fan of 20 dB, delta T of 33 degrees.
Which is better?
Then another scenario, where the coolers are equipped with the same fan, with the same setup.
Cooler A now achieves a delta t of 35 degrees at 16 dB and Cooler B a delta t of 33 degrees at 16 dB.

Then suddenly you see that the fans of cooler B are not working well and cooler A with non-standard fans works worse than cooler B.
And then you can draw the relevant conclusions:
Coolant B works better (than coolant A).
Cooler B works better with other fans.

Then you can test different coolers with different fans, setting them to the same noise production.

It’s also a good idea to use a setting that allows measurements below 15 dB, so you can measure really quiet equipment.

As for this design, I don’t expect performance to be great as it seems some fan diameter has been sacrificed. However, with 47 dB it is not as useful as silent cooling, perhaps if the control is PWM and the fans

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