Final Call June 20, 2024: New AEX record, retail sector leads, banks top the news

Slotcall 20 juni 2024: Nieuw record AEX, chippers trekken de kar, banken maken het nieuws

After a one-day break, Damrak continues where they left off: setting new records. The AEX just closed up one percent at an all-time closing high of 933.84.

How important is America to our stock market? Well, if they don’t do it for a day — and Nvidia in particular doesn’t break new one-day records — the momentum will disappear immediately, as it turned out yesterday, and chip stocks will still be hanging around the bottom of the market. Right menu.

Today the Americans returned from a day off and it seems ASML and ASMI are awake again. Without a doubt by Prince Nvidia, because today that supershare once again achieved an all-time high (+2.4%). This week it overtook Apple and Microsoft to become the world’s largest stock by market capitalization ($3.4 trillion).

The list of things you can complete after “Nvidia is now worth more than…” is becoming increasingly impressive.

Banks with ambitions

While sentiment is driven by technology stocks, banking stocks dominated the news today. Especially ambitious banks. Initially, there was news that Nationale Nederlanden would compete with the big three banks with more accessible payment products, targeting younger, digitally oriented customers.

This is not something that will wake up the big, long-established banks like ING, Rabobank and ABN Amro, but it will shake the market a bit. NN Group is currently no more than a mid-market player in AEX (+0.9%), but is still ahead of ING and ABN Amro (only).

Next week at IEX Investor Day, NN CEO David Knibbe will no doubt be asked about this bold gambit. Will you come as well??

Another bank with impressive ambitions was Van Lanschot Kempen, which set tougher targets for its Investor Day today which were particularly well received. The return on equity targeted by the bank will be increased from 12% to 18% and in the future 70-90% of profits will not be paid out as dividends, but 70-90%.

If price were a measure of applause, the bank would have received a standing ovation today, in the form of a +5.3% jump in price.

How attractive is the Palo Alto cybersecurity giant?

IEX analysts today included two interesting new stocks in their universe. Today, Palo Alto’s cybersecurity stake was put under the microscope for the first time. Palo Alto is the largest company in the world focused entirely on Internet security.

Palo Alto is growing rapidly, at about 15% per year. It has also succeeded in focusing more on profitability in recent years. High growth is likely to continue for years to come as cybersecurity becomes increasingly important, for example, due to the growth of the cloud, and as its importance becomes increasingly apparent.

You can read whether this is also a promising investment in Ivo Bruinck’s analysis.

NX filtration is picking up

Another new company subject to in-depth analysis for the first time today is water filtration company NX Filtration, which has been rebuilding itself since April after a significant decline in stock prices.

At Twenty, it’s all about future growth. You can read how certain these forecasts are and whether the stock is attractive to investors in Teun Verhagen’s analysis.

The broad market

  • We’ve seen a lot this week: technology is good, but so is AEX no The best exhibition in Europe
  • France (CAC40: +1.3%) and Italy (MIB: +1.4%) performed better.
  • Wall Street started well, but fell in the last hour
  • EUR/USD is falling towards the $1.07 level
  • The price of oil continues to rise, and the price of WTI is now $80.90
  • Gold is moving forward and is back above the $2,350 level
  • Bitcoin has been down for two weeks, including today: -0.8%

The risers and the fallers

Top 3 and flop 3 from Damrak

  • ASMI (+5.3%) and ASML (+2.3%) lead the AEX, with the former receiving an additional boost from a target price increase
  • Besi has been moving differently from his fellow chip players lately: today he is a mid-range player with +0.7%
  • Philips (+2.0%) is very popular, without any major news
  • NN Group (+0.9%) is attacking the big banks and doing just that something Better than ABN Amro (+0.8%) and ING (+0.7%)
  • The only red numbers on AEX today are in the name of Prosus (-0.01%), food duo Ahold (-0.04%) and Unilever (-0.3%).
  • Van Lanschot (+5.4%) was rewarded for the impressive goals
  • TKH (+2.3%) performed well, perhaps due to the failure of the Tennet Germany sale
  • AMG (+2.5%) acquires stake in lithium project developer
  • Avantium (+8.3%) reports it will be in October factory The main factory will be opened in Delfzijl


Companies will remain quiet tomorrow, but with PMIs in Europe and the US, there is still something to look forward to.

  • 01:30 May Composite PMI (Japan)
  • 01:30 Inflation in May (Japan)
  • 08:00 May retail sales (UK)
  • 08:45 Business confidence June (France)
  • 09:30 June Composite PMI (DLD)
  • 10:00 Composite PMI June (EUR)
  • 10:30 June Composite PMI (UK)
  • 13:00 Ease2pay Annual Meeting
  • 15:45 May Composite PMI (US)
  • 4:00 PM Existing Home Sales May (US)
  • 4:00 PM Leading Indicators for May (US)

Then this

The New York Times also says so

Artificial intelligence is arriving in the consulting industry

More AI: Claude got a promotion

Professional shorts are dying

Peter Court is editor-in-chief of IEX Media. The information in this column is not intended to provide professional investment advice or a recommendation to make specific investments.

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