Eliane Zwepfenning lost more than 15 kilos: “Strange” | RTL Street

weight loss and wake up

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Elian Zwepfenning, 25, the ex-girlfriend of Thomas Berg, 34, lost more than 15 kilograms. This happened after her pregnancy, but she says the main reason was her mental state.

“Of course, losing weight isn’t that important at all, because you’re enjoying your baby so much.”

Eliane writes on Instagram that she weighed 75 kilos during her pregnancy. “After Sky Méa was born, I was still around 70 years old. So losing weight is of course not important, because you enjoy your little one so much. But since mid-March I have lost 15 kilos.

She now weighs 54kg, as you can see from the picture of the scale. “I don’t remember ever being under 58kg, because that’s my normal weight for my height. It’s strange what mental health can do to your body.

© Instagram @eliannezweipfenning

Elian is probably referring to the difficult period she is currently going through. Recently, she and Thomas broke up. It was not done in a friendly way: according to rumors, Thomas cheated on and beat Elian when she wanted to pick up the last things from his house.

Thomas denies the allegations. Elian previously said of the situation: “I don’t want to comment further in the media about this painful situation and what exactly happened. I am currently thinking about what to do next, the truth will become clear at some point.”

In the video below, Rob sheds light on it.

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