“Dutch F-16s could also be deployed to targets in Russia.”

Outgoing Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins during NATO consultations in Prague today

Noos News

F-16s supplied by the Netherlands to Ukraine could be deployed on targets in Russia without US permission. This was stated by outgoing Foreign Minister Hanke Bruins-Sloat to ANP. Bruins-Sloat says the use is also not limited to the border region near Kharkiv.

The fighter jet is American-made and the United States has long blocked the supply of F-16 aircraft to Ukraine. But restrictions on Ukraine’s use of fighter jets “were never discussed,” Bruins-Sloat said today, according to ANP.

Bruins Sloat is in Prague to attend a NATO foreign ministers’ meeting.

US President Biden is said to have secretly given Ukraine permission to use US weapons on Russian territory. But for now, this only applies to Russian targets near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. This news came out yesterday, but it is not known exactly when Biden would have given permission for this.

24 Dutch F-16 aircraft

However, the official told US news site Politico that Ukraine specifically requested the policy change after the attack on Kharkiv began earlier this month. Another source said the United States had made the decision to allow more “flexibility” in the defense of Kharkiv.

Kharkiv is the second city in Ukraine and is located in the northeast of the country near the Russian border. The fighting around the city has been intense for some time, and the Russians are making territorial gains in the area around the city.

“The principle applies to the F-16s, which is that you may operate on Russian territory if it is in the context of self-defense,” Bruins-Sloat said. The minister said that this is no different from other weapons. The Netherlands will supply Ukraine with 24 F-16 aircraft.

Disable bridges

Today, Germany also granted Ukraine permission to use German weapons on Russian territory. Chancellor Olaf Scholz said it was essential that the country remain able to defend itself adequately.

“We jointly believe that Ukraine has the right, guaranteed by international law, to defend itself against these attacks,” a spokesman for Schulz said in a statement.

Ukrainian President Zelensky was in Brussels last Tuesday, where he was again pressing for weapons. Even then he emphasized the importance of being able to use weapons as he pleased.

Former army chief Mart de Kruif said last night on the NOS radio program that with the permission it has now received, Ukraine will have a greater ability to attack the Russians. With the eyes of tomorrow. “This means that you can disrupt the buildup of logistics supplies for offensive positions, units or command moving forward. You can also destroy bridges and railways.”

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