Crypto Voters Will Make a ‘Big Change’ in US Elections

Crypto Voters Will Make a 'Big Change' in US Elections

The US plays a major role in the crypto industry. Many crypto companies are from the US, many crypto investors live in the country and the financial sector is huge. As you’ll often read in crypto news, this year’s elections are actually the first time US politics is taking crypto seriously. Investors don’t just belong to one party — supporters of both parties want progress.

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Elections are important for crypto owners in the US

On social media platform X, crypto exchange Coinbase shares how its customers stand on the election. According to the American Cryptocurrency Exchange, about 52 million Americans hold cryptocurrencies. About 1 in 6 of these investors live in key battleground states where it is still uncertain which presidential candidate will win the election. That means candidates can make a big difference by being positive about crypto investors in their manifestos.

It also seems that crypto investors are mostly young and come from diverse backgrounds. 65% of all voting crypto investors are in the Gen Z and Millennial age categories, and 40% in states where election results are still uncertain. Among non-whites it is 35% and 23%, respectively.

Also, this group is more ‘bipartisan’ than you might think; Both Republican and Democratic voters want better crypto regulation. Also, 9 out of 10 crypto owners plan to vote on November 5th, and they are 4 times more likely to vote for pro-crypto candidates than ‘mainstream’ voters.

Presidential candidates are increasingly pro-crypto

This large group of eligible voters has not escaped the attention of various presidential candidates. For example, Trump has been strongly against crypto in previous elections. These are especially good for criminals. Now Trump “loves” crypto, and has released several collectible token collections in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The Republican Party also now has an official crypto election plan.

President Biden is now trying to tie his manifesto to Trump’s. Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) is positive about Bitcoin (BTC), which he wants to form part of a new collateral for the US dollar.

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