Coffins found near Eiffel Tower: ‘Suspect said he got €40 for them’ | RTL News

Doodskisten gevonden bij Eiffeltoren: 'Verdachte zei dat hij er 40 euro voor kreeg'

The coffins were found yesterday morning, around nine in the morning, near the Eiffel Tower in the French capital. A short time later, the truck driver was arrested. According to police, he is suspected of delivering the coffins to the tourist attraction French media.

Three foreigners

The driver, a resident of Bulgaria, reportedly told police he was “paid 40 euros” to unload the load with two men. He had left Bulgaria the night before.

Later in the day, police arrested two other suspects, a Ukrainian and a German. They tried to get out of Paris by bus and wanted to travel to Berlin.

Macron’s statements

A source close to the police investigation told AFP that the involvement of a “foreign party” in the procedure was being taken into account. It remains unclear what exactly the men were trying to achieve with the coffins of “French soldiers in Ukraine”.

In recent weeks, French President Emmanuel Macron suggested the possibility of sending French soldiers to Ukraine at some point to help in the fight against the Russians. The Kremlin described these statements as “dangerous.”

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