China is using solar and wind power twice as fast as the rest of the world | RTL News

China gaat twee keer zo hard met zonne- en windenergie als rest van de wereld

Solar panels are currently being installed in China, providing 180 gigawatt hours of electricity. One gigawatt is enough to power about a million households. Many wind turbines are also being built, totaling 159 gigawatts.

Enough for South Korea

All together, it’s 339 gigawatts. That’s enough to power all of South Korea, Global Energy Monitor ReportsThis is an American energy research institute.

China’s solar and wind projects combined account for twice as many as the world’s under construction. This stark contrast shows that China is very active in renewable energy, GEM said.

for work

This also becomes clear when you zoom in a little deeper. Not only does China have more plans, it is also more decisive in implementing them. A third of the plans are currently under construction. In the rest of the world, only 7% of all projects are actually under construction.

In total, China’s solar panels and wind turbines would have a capacity of 758 gigawatts, if they were all generating at full capacity. That would account for 37 percent of the country’s total energy needs. Coal-fired power plants currently account for 39 percent. That share is expected to reverse soon, as is expected this year.

The effort keeps the country ahead of its own solar and wind energy timeline, and may already meet that target this year of 1,200 gigawatts by 2030. That’s helpful in reaching a deal with the United States to generate more renewable energy.

China did not sign the agreements reached during the climate summit in Dubai. The most important of these are: Triple renewable energy by 2030.

See also: There are many things going well in addressing climate change.

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