Mark Banders vulnerable about relationship breakdown: ‘I was a huge idiot’ | RTL Street

Mark Baanders kwetsbaar over relatiebreuk: 'Ik ben een enorme eikel geweest'
Amazing character

By RTL Street··an average:

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Mark Banders (26) was the lead on the show “Expedition Robinson”, where he spoke lovingly about his then housemate. Unfortunately, their relationship did not last beyond the show: the two broke up during the filming of the documentary about their desire to have children. However, Mark retains hope for a reconciliation, and now takes part in the podcast “Borrelpraat”.

“I definitely think there’s still something to be done.”

in Banders wants a babywhich can be seen in early November, Mark directly addresses the challenges of being a potential gay (single) parent. “I never want to bring a child into the world by myself,” Mark says, noting that his ex-boyfriend Boaz is still his “go-to guy” to raise a child with.

In fact, Mark made the documentary with his partner, who is now his ex. “Everything is still new, and sometimes things happen in private and can also have an impact on the business, especially when you’re making such a vulnerable documentary about your private life,” he continues, talking about their break.

“The fact remains that if you want kids as a gay couple, you have to start doing it very early. We really wanted to know after the second or third date whether we wanted kids at all.” Mark insists that wasn’t what caused their relationship to fall apart. “I was just a big jerk.” He doesn’t want to elaborate on that. However, he does hope for a reconciliation.

If it were up to Mark, things would be fine for Boaz. “He’s still the man of my dreams. Even though I might try to open my heart and look beyond him, he’s still the one I want to be with. But yes, I can do that and explain it to him a hundred times, he has to want it himself.”

“I definitely think there’s still something to be done,” Mark continues. “If we really love each other, we also want to end up together. And if one of us doesn’t want to, it’s not a good idea to continue this relationship.” He decides: “I’m going to leave it.” Although he did recently send a message with some “beautiful photos” to his ex, who was in Ibiza at the time of the podcast. “I knew the house it was in, we were there last year too. I hope he enjoys reading it. We will see silly

You can watch the full podcast Listen here.

Mark, who also appeared in the final season of The perfect travel photo In Thailand, he previously indicated in front of the RTL Boulevard camera that the break was not final for him:

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