Family asks for help to bring shot dead Charmaine home

Familie vraagt om hulp bij repatriëren doodgeschoten Charmaine

Sharmeen Karwavuddy’s family is in deep mourning after her tragic death on July 24, when she was shot by her partner.

Charmaine was brutally murdered and attempts to save her life by transporting her to France were unfortunately unsuccessful.

The family now faces the challenge of returning her body to Suriname for her final resting place, a wish that Charmaine and her relatives cherish.

The total amount of the return is 3480 euros and must be paid within one week. The family urgently appeals to the community for financial support to cover these costs.

The family will cover the funeral costs themselves, but the priority now is to transport Charmaine to Suriname.

Donations can be transferred to the following bank accounts mentioning “Karwafodi & Juibithana Donation Family”:

  1. Karwavudi Ji (Younger Brother) – Euro Account: 1001430331 (Finabank)
  2. Karvodi G. (Brother) – SRD Account: 1000887346 (Finabank)
  3. Jupitana H. (father) – SRD account: 2001813147 (Judo)
  4. Karuvudi M. (Brother) – SRD Account: 7779917 (DSP)

The family thanks everyone in advance for their contribution and support during this difficult time.

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