Apple, Anthropic, Nvidia Use Videos, Including From Tweakers, for AI – IT Pro – News

What exactly is protected by copyright? Let’s start philosophizing for a moment: What’s the difference between a student learning from a YouTube video and a computer learning from a YouTube video? Can’t a computer, for example, recognize a language, but a human can?

Bearing in mind that videos on YouTube are certainly accessible without restrictions. This does not concern videos that can only be accessed after creating an account, for example.

I see what you mean: a business collects data with the goal of eventually creating a product, using that data, from which they can make money. I think it makes a lot of sense to say: just pay for the license.

At the same time, I think you could also ask whether this also applies to freely accessible data. If I’m walking down the street in public life, shouldn’t I be able to walk around freely and look around? And not just me as an ordinary person, but also companies: just think of Google Streetview, which has photographed everything and everyone on public roads.

If YouTube is so keen that everyone and everything can’t watch videos on their website, they can choose to first sign in with an account for everyone. Then you have access control, and by definition there is no longer freely accessible information, but targeted access for people who want to watch videos – not for companies or computers.

[Reactie gewijzigd door Uniciteit op 16 juli 2024 21:05]

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