Beyerdynamic Launches MMX 300 Pro Gaming Headset with Advanced Audio Drivers – Gaming – News

…but I don’t know how valuable this result is.

Not much. In fact, the HD560s aren’t exactly known for their great imaging and soundstage among audiophiles, and headphones are known for their intimate, close-up sound, but we’re mainly talking about music.

What many people often forget is that the source of the sound often has more of an impact than you might realize at first glance. I’m not talking about different audio codecs and whether they are better or not, but mainly the technical side of recording, mastering, etc. For “accurate audio” in games, you often don’t need such a special imaging at all, online games in particular pay a lot of attention to the processing and spatial aspect of the sound in them.

A good example of a game that paid a lot of attention to sound is the FPS Squad. Compare that game’s sound to a regular shooter, and you’ll see that you don’t need much of a headset to get a good sense of space. Even with Airpods, you can still hear a sniper bullet whizzing through the air. Good shooting helps further with the immersive feeling, but your brain is really good at recognizing where footsteps or bullets are, for example.

In fact the biggest point you can find in the original comment is that headphone clarity is more important. to hear footsteps in gamesThis is a good thing with the H560s. The headset’s drawbacks are also a plus. The soundstage, imaging, and bass extension aren’t special, but these aspects only distract from an online game (and often lead to a less neutral sound). Taking Squad as an example again, the sound of a gunshot only becomes more intense when these aspects are at their best. Adrenaline may sometimes help in this case, but it’s often better to stay calm. With single-player games, you want to experience that intense feeling.

In short: for gaming, don’t worry about specifics, but look for headphones with a sound profile that suits the games you play. Neutral, clear music-oriented headphones are often better for online gaming. If the headphones are technically sound, they are often several times better than 90% of gaming headsets. Most gaming headsets are usually closed-back and don’t do very well in this aspect, and therefore are not good at all for the target group (online gamers), or in fact they are not suitable for anyone at all.

By the way, the Maxwell is technically a very good headphone, because it has a closed back, which often can’t dissipate the sound pressure and thus you get a bloated sound. The non-pro version from Beyer is also a good headphone in this regard (the TYGR is also interesting). The Sennheiser has an open back, which means that the housing behind the driver is open and thus all the air can move around without difficulty. However, this also leaks a lot of sound, and it’s not really social to listen to music on the train with these headphones.

[Reactie gewijzigd door 24hourpartypal op 7 juli 2024 19:00]

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