Schonebeker’s benefits campaign for the Alzheimer’s Foundation raises more than €21,000

Schonebeker's benefits campaign for the Alzheimer's Foundation raises more than €21,000

More than 21,000 euros. This has now been raised by Schonebeker’s “Eksjun Forever Young” charity campaign. The funds are allocated to the Netherlands Alzheimer’s Foundation. “This exceeds our expectations, and we will be happy if we can raise around 5,000 euros.”

That’s what bassist Gerrit Kirkdyke from the band Exjon says, who got the ball rolling. The reason was that last year Jan Hubers, the drummer of this rock band, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

This prompted the band – popular in the 1980s – to perform on stage for the last time, with Hoppers behind the drums.

The offer was made last Saturday, during the Food in the Wood festival in the rural area between Schoonebeek and Coevorden. “It was a success with over five hundred visitors,” says Kirkdyke. “There were also many people in their 60s in the audience, who witnessed the heyday of our band, so the relaxed 80s atmosphere was clearly present. And most importantly: drummer Jan really enjoyed the day.”

The preliminary interim returns result was announced on Saturday evening. “In the meantime, we see volumes continuing to flow through the private website,” says Kirkdyke. “I think we will keep the site open for another two or three weeks to get the final amounts. Then we will deliver the final amount to the foundation.”

Due to Alzheimer’s disease, drummer Jan forgets everyday things, but the feeling of rhythm is engraved in his memory, he told RTV Drenthe last week. “I think it’s especially important to keep busy. I don’t think I’ll waste my chair.”

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