The US presidential election isn’t until November, but the run-up to it starts on Monday, when the Republican Party will hold its primary in Iowa. Democrats follow a week later. This is how it works and you need to write down these dates.
Vanaf komende week zijn er in de hele Verenigde Staten voorverkiezingen. Daarmee moet duidelijk worden wie de Democraten en de Republikeinen nomineren als hun presidentskandidaat.
Die kandidaten laten zich overigens raden. De huidige president Joe Biden heeft vrijwel geen concurrentie bij de Democraten en oud-president Donald Trump ligt mijlenver voor op zijn concurrenten bij de Republikeinen.
Anders dan in andere jaren staan de voorverkiezingen onder hoogspanning. Het is namelijk nog niet duidelijk of Trump kan meedoen aan alle verkiezingen. Maar daarover later meer.
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Het deelnemersveld
Namens de Republikeinen:
Ron DeSantis (45) – gouverneur van Florida
Nikki Haley (51) – VN-ambassadeur
Asa Hutchinson (73) – gouverneur Arkansas
Vivek Ramaswamy (38) – ondernemer
Donald Trump (77) – oud-president
Namens de Democraten:
Joe Biden (81) – zittend president
Dean Phillips (54) – Afgevaardigde
Marianne Williamson (71) – schrijver
Republicans kicked off the election circus with a caucus in Iowa on Monday. And the first in that state. The last primary exams will be held on June 8. These belong to Democrats in the island of Guam and the US Virgin Islands.
Expect fireworks from Tuesday, March 5. Then there will be primaries and rallies in sixteen states. That day will be Super Tuesday Named.
After the primaries, the party conventions will continue. During this four-day national convention, parties formally nominate their presidential candidate. The Republican National Convention takes place from July 15 to 18 and the Democratic National Convention from August 19 to 22.
Primary en caucus: zelfde doel, ander proces
De voorverkiezingen om een presidentskandidaat te selecteren bestaat in de Verenigde Staten uit primary’s en caucuses.
Een primary is de traditionelere stemronde. Dat wil zeggen dat kiesgerechtigden in een stemhokje hun stem uitbrengen.
Tijdens een caucus brengen alleen kiezers die bij een partij geregistreerd staan hun stem uit. Dat doen ze bovendien in het openbaar.
The number is taken into consideration for nomination of the candidate representatives (Electoral votes) candidate is behind him. Each state has a limited number of electoral votes. How much you get if you win in that state depends on distribution.
In some states, the winner of the primary immediately receives all the electoral votes. Other states use proportional distribution.
For the final nomination, the Democratic Party must have 1,990 candidates representatives to reach A Republican candidate needs 1,276 electoral votes to become the presidential nominee.
Ontvang meldingen bij nieuwe berichten
Trump will lose some of those electoral votes. The states of Colorado and Maine decided in December to bar him from participating in their primaries.
Both states rely on the strike clause in the US Constitution. It states that Americans who have engaged in “insurrection or insurrection” will no longer be allowed to hold political office.
States argue that Trump played a role in anti-democratic rebellion during the January 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol.
The US Supreme Court must rule on whether or not Trump should run in the election. Chief Justices should give judgments quickly. If before Super Tuesday While no decision has been made yet, Trump will be on the ballot ‘regularly’ in Colorado and Maine.
Once the presidential candidates are known, the debates will continue. Participation is not compulsory Presidential debates. But it has been an important political tradition since the 1960s.
The first debate between the presidential candidates will be held on September 16. On September 25, it’s the turn of the vice presidential candidates. The second presidential debate is on October 1 and the third and final debate is on October 9. After that, the election calendar is blank until the election is held on November 5.
This does not mean that people in America will wake up to a new president on November 6th. That person will take office ‘only’ on January 6, 2025. Until then, the winning candidate is called the President-elect.
Trump supporters tried to block that inauguration by storming the Capitol after his election loss to Biden in 2021. That is the representative body of the United States.
187 mins: This is what Trump did during the Capitol storm
Did we get everything then? Absolutely not.
In the coming months, Americans will also vote on a new composition of the Senate and House of Representatives. Together they form the United States Congress. These elections are also important. Legislative power in the United States is Congress.
Finally, some states are also electing a new governor this year.
- Primary’s: voorverkiezingen.
- Caucus: partijbijeenkomst, in dit geval om een kandidaat voor het presidentschap te kiezen.
- Ballot: kiesformulier.
- Super Tuesday: de dag met meeste voorverkiezingen (in zestien staten).
- Delegates: kiesmannen.
- National Convention: partijcongres.
- Golden ticket: het verkrijgen van de nominatie.
- GOP: ‘Grand Old Party’, de bijnaam van de Republikeinse Partij.
- Swingstate: een staat waarin geen van de kandidaten op een duidelijke meerderheid kan rekenen.
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