The Council of Ministers is considering banning alcoholic beverages in sports canteens through a preventive agreement

The Council of Ministers is considering banning alcoholic beverages in sports canteens through a preventive agreement

It cannot be ruled out that the sale of alcohol in sports canteens will be completely restricted in the medium term. Minister of State Martin van Oijen (Public Health) wants to bring the Netherlands into a state of “alcohol” and introduce measures to restrict the use of alcohol. Canceling beer in the canteen is one option.

that reports The telegraph Based on Hague sources. The policy stems from the Prevention Agreement, under which the Cabinet wants to address obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse problems. Having dealt smoking harshly for the first time, the cabinet will this time consider possible action against alcohol.

In addition, serious consideration is being given to completely drying out the canteens of sports clubs. But supermarkets may also be banned when it comes to selling wine or specialty beer. Although some sources in The Hague believe it is still too severe, Van Ooijen works hard to discourage alcohol consumption.

According to the insiders, it centers around issues such as banning all alcohol in sports canteens, a ban on the sale of beer and specialty wine in supermarkets, stopping the marketing of alcohol in sports (so no more 0.0 beer) and raising tax charges. alcoholic beverages by up to fifty percent,” the morning newspaper wrote.

The goal is to increase the number of young people under the age of eighteen who do not drink alcohol as well as to reduce heavy alcohol consumption among adults. The CU minister stressed that no decisions have been made yet, but the first package of measures should be introduced after the summer.

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