Sylvia met her musical hero while suffering from cancer: ‘He gives her strength’

Sylvia met her musical hero while suffering from cancer: ‘He gives her strength’

What song would you like to play on your farewell?

Here waiting Written by Richard Marks.”

Why this particular number?

“This is really our song, from my boyfriend and I. We heard it at his parents’ house when we first met. We’ve loved it ever since. My boyfriend is a truck driver and every time Here waiting Along the way, calling me. Sweet, huh?

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with lymphoma, and then I knew for sure: If we got married – if it ever happened – this record had to be played. And at my funeral he was definitely number one.”

What does the song say about your life?

“I’m always busy with music. Even when I was sick, especially at that time. For six months I was having chemotherapy six times a day, for five days in a row. It was very difficult. Fortunately I had a room to myself, where I could live. Listen to music and read a little.

I spent my time in the hospital well, but once I got home I was hit hard. We had just moved, which was supposed to be a fresh start. My body also got a fresh start. I feel good now and will be monitored for the next few years, but the shock and recovery have been difficult. My fitness and muscle strength have completely disappeared. I also have two children at home that I want to take care of.”

Backstreet Boys

“During my illness Richard Marx He met, so he knows my story too. He told me that his mother had breast cancer, so he understood what I was going through. We still keep in touch via Instagram every now and then, which is very special. Then he wishes me strength and good luck and this gives me the strength to continue.

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I’ve also been obsessed with the Backstreet Boys for thirty years, and have played with them a lot as well. I have it too BoyzLife Can see in Carré, thanks No courage, no glory (A foundation that makes musical experiences and desires possible for people with cancer, ed.). Very special. Music is everything, music connects. I didn’t smell that on my arm for nothing. I really need her for everything. “If the music goes away, as far as I’m concerned, there’ll be no life left.”

What do you dream of?

“Of course, while I was sick I thought about my life. What I had done and what I wanted. At a certain point, I was stuck at home like a dishrag again and I was done with it. I give my family and friends everything, but where am I? What are my dreams? I have to put myself in First place. I would really like to do something for the artist industry. I don’t know if I will participate, because I was rejected. To maintain contact with many artists on my own, I know that, so I keep dreaming.

I also like to travel. For family in Australia, or to America. Although it would take me months to figure it all out. At the hospital, I often found myself Googling where I wanted to go. New York and Las Vegas, but also Florida because that’s where the Backstreet Boys are from. Nashville, because that’s where the music lives. Texas and of course Elvis’ Graceland. The problem is that I have two growing children, otherwise I would have left long ago.”


What song should be played at your funeral? What does that say about your life? If you would like to participate in this section, email your story to [email protected]

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