Seasoning chips removed from US stores after teen’s death | distinct

Seasoning chips removed from US stores after teen’s death |  distinct
Chip brand Paqui has withdrawn its extra spicy potato chips from the market following the death of a fourteen-year-old boy. Although the boy’s cause of death has not yet been determined, his family points to the chip, she wrote New York times.

It’s about the so-called One Chip Challenge from tortilla chip maker Paqui. This is one slice packed, made with very hot Carolina Reaper and Naga Viper peppers. On the packaging, the manufacturer encourages consumers to share their reactions after eating the slice on social media.

Baki warns on the packaging that the slide is made for “the hidden pleasure of intense spice and pain” and is made for adults only. The manufacturer indicates that the chips are not intended for children.

Fourteen-year-old Harris and Lubah, from Massachusetts, ate one at school and later returned home nauseous. Once he got home, he was found unconscious in his room. A few hours later, he appeared to be dead.

The Wolobah family points to the Paqui and One Chip Challenge as the cause of the boy’s untimely death. “I especially want to make it clear to other parents that eating potato chips is not safe,” Loopah’s mother said in an interview.

In his response, Baki said he was deeply saddened by this event. “We care about our customers, which is why we have removed our products (One Chip Challenge, ed.) from shelves,” says a company spokesperson.

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