Ricky was born as a boy and now wants to become Miss Universe

Ricky was born as a boy and now wants to become Miss Universe

Ricky Coley (22 years old) from Breda was born as a boy and named Rick by her parents. But everyone saw that Rick is actually a girl. She started transitioning when she was ten years old. This summer she competed in the Miss Netherlands competitions. She won and became “the most beautiful woman in the Netherlands.” But her story does not end there. In two weeks, Ricky will leave for El Salvador, where she will participate in the Miss Universe competitions. She spoke about it on Sunday on the Omroep Brabant KRAAK talk show.

In the Netherlands, Rikki was the first transgender woman to become Miss Netherlands. She enjoyed it, and still does, but she also received a lot of not-so-nice feedback online. This doesn’t really bother Ricky. “I have become strong,” she says. This has to do with the struggle to become what she has always been. Now she hopes to be a role model for “other Reikis”: children who feel different and therefore feel lonely and may be bullied.

That’s why she doesn’t think it’s often about becoming a woman. “Of course I would also like it to be more about who I actually am, but that way I might be able to help other kids.”

On November 18, Ricky will compete in El Salvador against the 90 most beautiful women in the world. She loves participating, but realizes that the competition is huge. “A place in the top 20 would be great.”

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KRAAK airs live every Sunday at 12:00 PM and then repeats. The program can also be watched online and via Brabant+.

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