Nicole writes a book about Peter Gillies, and he takes her to court

Nicole writes a book about Peter Gillies, and he takes her to court

Nine months after ending their relationship, Peter Gillies and Nicole Cremers met again in court in Utrecht. Nowadays, the former lovers are so at odds with each other that a judge had to intervene. The focus of Thursday’s briefings was on the book Nicol is writing.

Gillis wants to read this book first before publishing it. Because he doesn’t want to publish all kinds of details about their relationship.

The former lovers no longer have anything to say to each other in court. The two camps avoided each other in the hallway and in the courtroom there was an empty table between the two sides. They were mainly listening to the arguments, hiding behind their lawyers.

It soon became clear why summary procedures were needed. Peter Gillies fears Nicole Cremers’ book will contain things he doesn’t like. The president of Oostappengroep doesn’t have many secrets, as he has had his own reality series Massa is Kassa for years, but he is also on trial for assaulting Nicole Kremers.

The Public Prosecution is investigating at least ten cases of abuse. Maybe Gillis doesn’t want to read that again. Cremers’ attorney believes that because of her freedom of expression she can write anything she wants.

But Gillis has an ace up his sleeve: Nicole and he signed a deal on February 10 in which they both agreed not to speak ill of each other when they’re apart. Gillis has already counted 26 fouls from Nicol.

But Nicole said she no longer recognized this agreement at all. Her lawyer announced last week that they had terminated that agreement. According to her, this agreement was also signed under duress. “But no, that wasn’t true,” Gillis said. The two were very well connected at the time, and according to the apps, they were still very much in love.

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And so the session continued for an hour or two, with everything happening and nothing. Only in the end did Nicole and Peter have their say. But it was mainly the lawyers who fought each other. When one of them said something, the other laughed sweetly, and vice versa.

The judge has the thankless task of ruling. The ruling will be announced on November 30, after which Gillies and Cremers will know whether and in what form this book will be published. Nicole Cremers said in the media that the book would be available in November and that is why Peter Gillis was in a hurry and filed a summary lawsuit.

What appears to be against Nicole Cremers is that another judge has now ordered her to pay at least €104,000 to Peter Gillies because she did not comply with the agreement. It remains to be seen whether she will or can pay for it. In another case, called the substantive action, the judge will ultimately rule on Gillis’s entire claim. This already amounts to 1.7 million euros.

The summary proceedings judge had some words of wisdom for Gillis and Cremers: “Make sure this does not become an endless legal battle. Despite everything, try to find a solution together.”

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Here you can read why Nicole Cremers has to pay €100,000 to her ex-husband, Peter Gillies

And here you can read why Peter Gillies can demand a total of 1.7 million euros from Nicole Cremers

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