Judging in America: April (Julius 486) Model and Champion

Judging in America: April (Julius 486) Model and Champion

The second model mare for 2023 in the US is called April KCF Model AA (Julius 486 x Jasper 366). She was champion at the study in Indiana on November 17, with the three-year-old Provisional Crown mare Melissa KFF (Thorpan 466 x Wilster 463) as overall reserve champion.

From star to model

KFPS judges Wil Thijssen and Dick Brummel saw that April came in as a star mare with an AA forecast, which she reaffirmed in the driving test with 78 points before inspection. A young seven-year-old girl became a model and champion. “She has a long vertical neck, a good torso and a strong top,” explains Will Thijsen. ‘She’s also strong on the legs, with a strong, wide gait and an upward reach.’
April 486 is the second daughter of Julius to reach this milestone.Bred by Jack Vanderkooyen KCF Farms in Canada, the mare is owned by Dan & Wesley Bolsdorfer of Cherith Brook Farm in Ohio. April Jocje F. A daughter of the ster preferred Prestaty AA (Jasper 366 x Jurgen 303).

Melissa temporary crown

The Reserve Day Championship went to Melissa KFF (Thorpan 466 x Wilster 463) of Roloff and Anki Krak. ‘A lovely complete mare with a great trot and a strong hind leg.’ A three-year-old mare became a temporary crown. Marik RF Steer (Ulbron 502 x Andries 415) from Renaissance Friesians earned a star with second premium in three-year-olds.

Foal Champions from Promising Harvest Farm

Both foal champions are from the stables of Perry Miller of Hopeful Harvest Farm. Only the long-legged Westin HHF (Thorban 466 x Julius 486) received the first premium. ‘He is well built, has a trot that lets him float down the track and uses the front legs well. The reserve championship went to breed-regular Willem HHF (Tsjalle 454 x Tonjes 59), who combined a good conformation with a strong gait, good for a second premium.

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Rosalie is the Youth Champion

Only two-year-olds qualify for the Youth Championship. Rosalia de Macias Coral (Alvin 469 x Tsjalke 397) from Carlos Macia. Will Thijsen describes a mare with lots of pedigree looks and a beautiful head. ‘She has a long neck with good alignment.’ Rosalia Doutzen was the daughter of RN Grune AA.

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