Is it expensive to have a balcony in the Netherlands? It could be much worse | Economy

Is it expensive to have a balcony in the Netherlands?  It could be much worse |  Economy

Is beer on a terrace in Netherlands expensive? It depends on how we look at it. Compared to other European countries, the purchasing power of the Dutch is so great that only the Swiss can afford to drink more in the sun.

This is evidenced by a price comparison of balconies in European capitals by the hospitality consulting firm Van Spronsen & Partners. Amsterdam is in the middle of Europe when it comes to terrace dining prices. For a round consisting of two espressos, two soft drinks, a pint of beer and two roses, you will pay €45.80 in our capital. This is much lower than in Oslo, which is again the most expensive city in Europe this year with an average balcony price of €69.91. If you want to be cheap, you have to go to Budapest. Compared to Amsterdam, I lost almost half there: €23.72.

For the European Terrace Survey 2023, prices in various restaurants and cafés in the most popular terrace venues in European capitals were examined and compared with the results of 2018. From Place du Tertre in Paris and Nyhavn Promenade in Copenhagen to Stare Miasto in Warsaw and Old Town Square in Prague.

Mid-engined Amsterdam

Amsterdam is the most expensive listed city in the Netherlands, but in Europe, with 10th place, it is just an average city. The capitals of three Scandinavian countries – Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm – make up the top three, while London and Dublin occupy the fourth and fifth places. When it comes to soft drinks, colas and espressos, Copenhagen is the most expensive city. The best place to tour your family or friends will still be in Eastern Europe in 2023, and the last five places on this list are all occupied by Eastern European destinations.

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But price isn’t everything. Van Sproensen also looked at purchasing power: How many rounds can you make when you’re sitting on the balcony? This purchasing power is calculated by dividing the average weekly disposable income of metropolitan residents by the tour price. This is of course fictitious, because rent, energy and other fixed costs are not taken into account, but it does give an idea. By this calculation, the people of Amsterdam could make nineteen rounds a week. Only the Swiss could afford two more. And in cheap Budapest, it was all over for the residents after eleven rounds. People who live in Lisbon are already exhausted after eight rides a week.

Van Sproensen did the same research five years ago. The purchasing power of visitors to the Amsterdam balcony has improved since then. Two more rounds can now be given per week. Amsterdam shares second place with Monaco. “This makes Amsterdam a relatively cheap city,” says van Sproensen.

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