5 tips to combat humidity in your home

5 tips to combat humidity in your home

Suitable humidity

The ideal humidity range is between 40 and 60 percent. You can measure this by comparing the amount of water vapor in the air to the maximum amount of water vapor that can be in the air. So temperature and air pressure affect this.

Causes of humidity in the house

Moisture problems in the home are often caused by poor ventilation. The average family produces about 10 liters of fluid during daily activities, which is of course a large number. These are the most common causes of dampness in the home:

  • to rise or High humidity Through foundations, crawl spaces, and cavity walls. Moisture spots appear mainly above the skirting board.
  • Moisture penetration: Moisture enters from the outside through the wall, because the facade can no longer keep moisture out.
  • Thermal bridges: Humid spaces are caused by warm air cooling through a cold wall or floor, causing droplets to form.
  • concentration Through human actions such as bathing, washing or cooking.
  • Leak: Often the result of a construction error or the aging of the home.

Identify humidity in the home

It is important to take immediate action as soon as you notice moisture in your home. It is therefore essential to recognize it quickly, because the earlier you detect it, the less chance of unpleasant consequences. These are the most common characteristics of humidity in the home so that you can recognize it at an early stage:

  • Moisture spots appear on the wall or ceiling
  • Condensation on windows and other cold surfaces
  • Musty and suffocating smell
  • Living areas feel cold
  • Laundry at home dries less quickly
  • Loose wallpaper or plaster
  • White residue on the wall
  • Moisture and mold (black) spots.
  • Algae or algae on the wall
  • Higher energy consumption
  • Silverfish and/or woodlice
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You can do this against humidity in the house

If you notice dampness in your home, it is important to reduce the humidity as soon as possible. You can do the following five things yourself to address moisture problems.

1. Ensure good ventilation

The most important tip for combating and preventing dampness in the home in the first place is to provide good ventilation. Dirty air must leave the house and clean air must enter. This is done through seams and cracks, or through grilles or open windows. Especially in well-insulated houses, access to fresh air through the network is essential, because in these houses the seams and cracks are sealed very well.

In addition, it can save energy by bringing in fresh outside air. Heating moist air is much more difficult than heating dry air. By doing these things you can ensure good ventilation:

  • Open the windows every day.
  • Provide extra ventilation when cooking, bathing, and doing odd jobs around the house.
  • Ventilate well if there are (or have been) many people in the house.
  • Hang laundry outside when possible.
  • When showering, set the ventilation to the highest level or open the bathroom window for half an hour.
  • Dry the floors after mopping and showering.
  • In the winter, do not set the room thermostat below 15 degrees.
  • Plug holes in the ground floor floor near the counter cabinet and kitchen drain.

2. Install a dehumidifier

Do you not have a window in all rooms through which humid indoor air can escape? Then you can also install a dehumidifier. With this device you can ensure the driest air in your home. The dehumidifier sucks in humid air and the built-in evaporator removes water from the air. This water is collected in the collection container or drained through the connected water pipe. You pay on average between 50 and 200 euros for a dehumidifier, and it is often available in all hardware stores.

A budget variant that works mainly on a smaller scale is the so-called “moisture absorber”. These are plastic containers containing packages of calcium chloride granules. These beads attract hydrogen gases in the air and turn them into water, which ends up in the collection vessel.

3. Invest in a mechanical ventilation system

A dehumidifier works well to remove condensing moisture, but it is a short-term solution. It does not change the air quality in your home. Mechanical ventilation system can provide more prospects here. You have the choice between a central ventilation system for your entire home (in new construction or in the case of a comprehensive renovation) or a decentralized ventilation system for one specific, completed room.

4. Ensure constant temperature inside

The risk of humidity problems increases when a room cooler than 15°C is ventilated for an extended period. The colder your living quarters are, the faster humidity increases. The temperature on the walls, floors and ceiling therefore becomes too low, causing condensation to form, which can cause annoying moisture problems. So always keep the temperature as constant as possible. This not only ensures that the indoor air becomes drier, but also creates a more pleasant living environment.

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5. Paint with moisture-resistant paint

If you are going to paint the kitchen or bathroom, do so with moisture-resistant paints. This product prevents condensation moisture from entering your walls and causing unsightly cleaning of the house. Especially if you don’t have a window in these rooms. Moisture resistant paint is available for interior and exterior walls.

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