Want to see the northern lights? Then take your chance tonight and tonight

Want to see the northern lights?  Then take your chance tonight and tonight

There is a good chance today that we will be able to see the northern lights in Brabant. This is what amateur astronomer Victor van Wolfen from Heswijk Deinther says. The northern lights are a spectacle of light that can be seen mainly in the northern countries, but due to high solar activity there is a high chance of seeing them even in our province.

The Northern Lights have been seen frequently in Brabant recently. Depending on the strength of the energy that storms emit on the sun, you see green, violet, and red colors. These storms, which can be considered volcanic eruptions, occur on the Sun in an eleven-year orbit. We are now at the end of this cycle, when the explosions are most intense.

Green signals
“It may happen that we can see the northern lights in the afternoon when the sun goes down,” Victor says excitedly. Clouds could still spoil the scene, but the forecast is favorable. He added: “There are often clear skies, especially in the west of the governorate, and the clouds sometimes disappear in the east.”

According to him, this does not mean that we can now see the northern lights every day. “Many signals should be green, but that appears to be the case Friday afternoon and evening.”

Profit warning
Victor stopped himself Clear Skies website All weather phenomena. In addition, he has great confidence in someone Belgian web page Who only cares about the polar lights.

Victor gives a little warning about the profit. “With the lights of the Northern Lights, small conditions can change, which means that the ceremony will not go ahead. That’s why you can never predict it with certainty. At this Belgian site, you constantly receive up-to-date information, so you can see what’s happening. Chances are or The choices are.”

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Victor shares his “facts” about the Northern Lights.

At the beginning of November, many Brabanders saw the northern lights, which led to these photos being taken.

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