Google unveiled its latest Pixel gadgets this week. Bram got a look at them at Google’s headquarters. He also spoke to the people who make Google Pixel devices there.
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New hardware announcements are always a big event. For years at Google, it was in October, but this year the new Pixels were actually revealed in August. It was via livestream, but it was still fun to be there in real life. That was Bram, from Mountain View, Google’s hometown, filling us in on all the news. He also spoke to people from Google, which gives a good idea.
More in this episode: More clarity on who makes the batteries in your car, AI models trained on illegal Dutch movies and books may return, and Sonos may return to its old app.
Listen to the Bright Podcast here.
Tips from this episode:
series: He falls Prime Video. It’s already been tipped before, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. A series inspired by the game, where a nuclear war has reduced the world to ashes. Groups of people who survived the battle in underground vaults eventually emerge again – and find a very strange world down there.
existing: Best Portable Gaming Consoles Right Now. And highlighted: Miyoo Mini Plus, an affordable model that lets you play old games in a modern way.
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