After Queen Máxima started her first working week after the summer break yesterday with a provincial visit to the town of Walcheren in Zeeland, she is staying closer to home today. In The Hague to be precise, where she visited the Financial Assistance Office.
Getting to The Hague
Just after 3 p.m., Queen Máxima arrives in The Hague. She has tailored her outfit for the sunny weather. She wears yellow trousers with a white blouse with yellow stripes. Her large earrings are eye-catching.
Read more below the post.
Accessible Debt Help
Máxima’s visit to The Hague focuses on the Financial Help Desk and Debt Assistance. Queen Máxima visits the Help Desk accompanied by Jørgen Noble, State Secretary for Participation and Integration. During the visit, Máxima will receive an explanation of the so-called “Financial Assistance Roadmap”. She will also talk to advisors and experts and, among other things, follow the reception of a local resident at the Help Desk. The Queen will also talk to representatives of the Municipality of The Hague, the Ministry of Social Affairs and professionals about the organisation of accessible municipal assistance for financial problems and financial problems.
Helpdesk for Finance and SchuldenlabNL
The Hague Financial Helpdesk is a free and accessible initiative to help people take control of their finances. On average, it takes five years before people with financial problems seek help. This is often linked to shame and fear of tackling the problem. Debts pile up and at a certain point the situation becomes unmanageable. With the campaign “Nobody deserves to worry about money”, the Municipality of The Hague wants to show that residents can contact the Helpdesk for all kinds of financial questions and, above all, solve financial problems together at an early stage.
As honorary president of SchuldenlabNL, Queen Máxima, together with the foundation’s partners, is committed to making financial problems open for discussion and identifying and addressing them at an early stage. In addition, SchuldenlabNL is expanding nine effective debt assistance methods in municipalities. They are often the first point of contact for people with questionable debts. The Municipality of The Hague works with a number of these methods.
Source: Afghan National Police Agency, Instagram @KoninklijkHuis