France and Germany introduced additional security measures on Saturday at Jewish and Israeli buildings such as synagogues, schools and monuments.
In Berlin, scores of people took to the streets in the Neukölln district to celebrate the attacks. The pastries were reportedly served with a message praising “the resistance of the Palestinian people”. The district mayor of Neukölln, Martin Hickel, called it “a brutal glorification of a terrible war” in a television interview.
German Interior Minister Nancy Feser told the Bild newspaper that police protection of Jewish and Israeli institutions in Germany had been immediately increased. German authorities are closely monitoring “potential supporters of Hamas in the Islamic corner,” he added. An Israeli flag will be raised in a show of support at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin on Saturday evening.
In France, there was already a heightened level of security around synagogues in Paris, Marseille, Lyon and Strasbourg due to Jewish holidays celebrated this month. France’s interior minister, Gérald Darmanin, has called for tougher surveillance. This has already happened in Strasbourg and Marseille, sources told the French news agency AFP.
Thurman is calling for a “visible and formal presence” from the Sentinel, a special military unit created to protect the territory against terrorism after the early 2015 terror attacks in France. The Home Ministry will discuss the security situation on Sunday.
Police in London are also on high alert. In a news release, the police take note of the protests in the coming days.
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