Hans Figelbreef, the outgoing state minister for mining and chairman of the D66 electoral program committee, says his party wants to restore citizens’ trust in the government. One concrete measure that the party is proposing is that the government will no longer appeal a lawsuit against a citizen if the government loses this case. He says so on WNL Op Zondag.
“Simply put, we will no longer file individual lawsuits against citizens on appeal,” is the party’s proposal, according to Vegelbriev. Once the citizen wins the case, the state should leave it at that, according to the party. This point will also be included in the election manifesto of the D66 party.
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Figelbrev wants to work personally in the House of Representatives to restore citizens’ confidence in the government. And the minister was already committed to this in Groningen. “We want a strong government, but that government must have given the impression that it is at least sensitive to these arguments. It started doing that with the damage caused by the earthquakes in Groningen, and that has developed more confidence there.”
Read also:
Minister of State Figelbreef: If the oil companies do not pay billions in compensation this year, Groningen will be left to suffocate
By: Peter Visser
“Lifelong zombie fanatic. Hardcore web practitioner. Thinker. Music expert. Unapologetic pop culture scholar.”