Gamekings at BlizzCon 2023: “Two days of intense learning”

Gamekings at BlizzCon 2023: “Two days of intense learning”

Blizzard is a developer/publisher that many players feel really connected to. Not every studio has that. So it was logical that Blizzard once came up with the idea of ​​organizing a so-called annual fan festival where fans could meet developers and each other and the latest games would be shown for the first time. This event was called BlizzCon. Due to the pandemic, the event could not be held offline for a number of years, but in 2023 the coast was clear. Kos got the chance to go there, took his phone and took a lot of pictures. You’ll see those photos in this video in which Gilly asks Koss about everything he saw and experienced in Anaheim.

BlizzCon 2023 offers everything Blizzard fans could want

There was a lot to do in Anaheim on November 2nd and 3rd. From a deep dive into Overwatch 2, a look at the future of World of Warcraft Classic and Hearthstone, to our first play sessions in Warcraft Rumblings
Announcing the first expansion for Diablo IV. And don’t forget to perform LE SSERAFIM. Traditionally, BlizzCon always ends with a big event. Overall, it’s a blockbuster program that Blizzard fans have been looking forward to for a long time. Was the event ultimately successful? Or was it a bit disappointing?

What are the most notable events this year?

Kos doesn’t see himself as a pure Blizzard fan, but he certainly sees the quality of the games and loves the passion of the fans. This allowed him to watch the event from a distance. What did he think of BlizzCon 2023? Were there any strong statements? How was the event organized and were you able to participate in the atmosphere? You will get the answers to all these questions, plus of course a lot of information about the content presented in this report on BlizzCon 2023.

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