By RTL Street··Modified:
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Dionne Slagter, 34, was diagnosed with autism later in life. The podcaster often “felt different” in her youth. She talks about it in an interview with Girlfriend.
“I felt weak, overstimulated, and chronically tired.”
As a child, Dion was sometimes seen as “weird” and a bit “different,” she says. “I couldn’t play well together that way, and I never took other children home.” She preferred to be alone and that was sometimes seen as selfish.
As a young girl, Dionne had no regard for other people’s opinions, but once she entered high school that changed. “I was bullied a lot. I felt weak, overstimulated, and chronically tired.” As a result, things didn’t go well at school. “Until I found something I could excel at: losing weight.”
At 15, Dionne developed an eating disorder. She had been admitted several times at the time, but to no avail. “That made me worse. I was very competitive and I only learned from other girls how not to do things.”
Until she ended up in Spain, where her eating disorder was treated as an addiction. She was held accountable for her behavior, which caused a transformation.
Dion was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) in her youth. She took medication for ten years, but still suffered from complaints. “I often struggled with things, and I had little energy,” she explains. “I found it hard to tolerate Jeroen[her partner, ed.]in my house, no matter how much I cared for him.” That’s when she got to that point with her documentary series Killing pills? She found out she had autism. “Then a lot of pennies dropped.”
She also went to a psychologist. “The autism diagnosis made me understand why I was always different.” Dion learned to deal with her problems better. “Now I see a great future with Jeroen. And together in one house!”